raclette party

happy new year

After too many years of constant crisis and drama, we hope 2023 dials it down it a couple notches and brings peace and wonder your way. Here’s how we’ll be spending the first days…

2023 is packed with awe-inspiring cosmic events - mark your calendars now (and book campsites where skies are clear) to take full advantage. Today, January 4th at 11:59 a.m. PST marks perihelion, the point in elliptical orbit when the Earth is closest to the sun. Who knew??

Studies show that the key to happiness and fulfillment are our relationships. There is nothing that creates community quite like a shared meal around a table. Join the Rainier Beach Urban Farm & Wetlands community meals, this month featuring Coast Salish foods and artist and chef Lisa Jackson of the Suquamish Tribe. These monthly meals are a wonderful way to bring new culture, recipes and community into your world.

We love starting the year by setting intentions, a hopeful guide to light the way ahead. Julia Rothman’s More / Less lists offer a creative exercise in manifesting what we want to come to fruition.

Guided snowshoe tours at Snoqualmie Pass, these tours include all necessary gear as well as warm beverages, a magical way to traverse through winter trails.

Winter birding in the Skagit Valley January is a magnificent time to witness the trumpeter swans, snow geese, eagles, owls and hawks that winter in the valley. The perfect day trip with a stop in Edison for lunch at Slough Food or oysters at Taylor Shellfish on Chuckanut Drive.

If the early sunsets and cold temperatures have you hunkering down inside, here are some of favorite indoor diversions:

movie: Marcel the Shell with Shoes On, a most charming tale of community and connection.

podcast: Talk Easy with Sam Fragoso , especially episodes with David Sedaris and Jenny Slate.

book: Inciting Joy: Essays by Ross Gay, a salve during times of challenge and grief.

Raclette and alpine wines at Ebb & Co. January 27th Grey skies and cold temps call for melted cheese and crisp beverages and we are here for it!

Happy New Year friends, let’s do all we can to make it a good one.

photo: Maya Walsh