World Tai chi day


New beauty is unfurling every day. Celebrate spring with us all over town…

Hanami at Nashi Orchards on Vashon Island April 6th and 7th Picnic in the orchard and celebrate the ephemeral beauty of spring blossoms at one of our favorite places on earth! Pre-order your bento box now, you won’t regret it!

April showers make it a great time to get your summer garden started. Find out about all the plant sales and garden tours here.

Roll around Seatown at Judkins Park, sunnier days bring the return of weekly social skates! Grab those wheels from the attic, it’s time to shoot the moon!

Earth day work party at the Arboretum April 20th Get your hands dirty and help keep this 90 year old natural treasure thriving! Advanced registration required.

So much great comedy in town this month… Kevin Nealon, Jim Gaffigan, Fortune Feimster, Hassan Minaj, AND Tina and Amy??? An embarrassment of riches.

World Tai Chi day at the Pacific Bonsai Museum April 27th Calm your mind and get into the flow, all while surrounded by beautiful bonsai. Winning.